8 Filters
Original Photo
A Beveller |
A Drop Shadow |
A Grey Area |
Control Thickness, Lighting, Transparency, and Smoothness 4 Bevel Styles to Use
Control Color, X and Y offsets, Transparency and Blur 6 Types of Shadows
Control Hue, Intensity, Transparency and Boost of 7 Base Colors
A Halo |
A Lightning Maker |
A Puddle |
Control Thickness and Transparency of 5 Styles in Color of Your Choice
Control Color, Wonkiness, Forkiness and Spread of 3 Styles With Option to Randomize
Control Reflection, Displacement, Lighting Strength, Perspective and Scale
A Shape Cutter |
A Warper |
Control Points, Depth, Transparency and Rotation of 3 Shapes (gear, star, petals).
Control Warp Factor, Twirl , and Transparency of 4 Styles (normal, pinch, inflate & twirl)
All Filters in .8bf format.